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20th Century is very unique in the history of human existence. We as a species reached take-off points sometime in middle of 20th Century. Sharply accelerating towards the end of the century. The last 75 years, without doubt have seen the most profound transformations - of human relationships with the natural world. Now clearly discernible at the Earth system level. This continuous exponential march of civilization is called the Great Accelerator.
Keeping the planet’s climate stable is a great idea. However not a human decision. Scientists identified, what they think are Nine Earth Systems. Interdependent in nature, these nine forces kept the earth's climate stable during the last 300,000 years. In 2012, it looked like like we had already crossed four of the boundaries, that kept life on earth a safe distance from catastrophic thresholds. The Resilience Center in Stockholm tells us that "stable period is on it's way out" as of now.
Over time, we have created our world through our actions and the world also creates us in turn. We show how human action is responsible for a majority of our present problems. The 'Great Accelerator' when mapped across key sectors of production, population, food, energy, consumption and emissions together, point to a 'Planetary Emergency'. The role of human agency is therefore, utmost and essential, for our understanding and future actions. There are no static utopian blueprints for the future. Past promises and deals (COP, United Nations, Greenpeace etc) have clearly failed at a global scale.
The past 40 years, generations were taught over and over that we have not enough time to change the economy and save the planet from climate and other ecological crises. That capitalism will adapt to save us. After four decades we can see that ideology and trajectory has not worked, worse it's consuming the planet at a rapacious scale - robbing from future generations!
"Our analysis shows that contemporary capitalism has a set of narratives, frameworks and drivers that are systemically, and simultaneously, hard and soft-wired to always produce destructive outcomes..."
A Home
What would it feel like to wake up there in the morning?
Who else would live there; how would it feel to be with them?
Where would energy come from, and water, and food?
What kinds of wastes would be generated and where would they go?
When you look out the window or step out the door, what would it look like, the way you really want?
Who else lives near you (human and non-human entities)?
And how does it all interrelate on a regular day?
A Neighborhood
How does it look like? The children, old people, everyone else have sufficient security, happiness and beauty?
What kind of work do you do in such a place? What is your particular or special role (skill)?
With whom do you do the work? Who is in charge?
Working together, how are you compensated? How do you contribute back to the system?
Transcript: http://donellameadows.org/archives/envisioning-a-sustainable-world/
Small is good.
Take Climate and Adaptation to heart, on a daily basis, as first steps of a transition.
Restoration of our relationship with land, water, air and living entities (the ecosystem).
Consider the collapse of big industrial consumer societies, to be either probable or near-term.
Both indigenous and scientific knowledge is worthy for our attention and practice.
Small communities have a much better chance of survival or sustainable growth.
Invest while you divest!
Ask if your current lifestyle provides ample security, happiness and resilience?
Invest in spaces where people can freely discuss 'difficult things' and create 'effective solutions'.
Invest in food security. Divest from harmful industrial consumption and habits.
Invest in community which is inclusive and diverse. Divest from purely profit based careers.
Collaborate and innovate with objectives which enrich the ecosystem and the community you belong to.
A basic question. Why are there so many forms of music? The answer can be found in a fusion of elements. Cultural expression as a human right + human nature expressed through music and songs + what we know about the world (source of inspiration). Three elements which regenerate again and again, giving birth to new forms of music. Hence a musician can regenerate as well?
The emerging role of musicians is about innovation and creating unique experiences - for the audience and for themselves. Factors which lead to social impact, while enriching the music scene (community). As a musician, producer, composer, singer, DJ etc we should not belong to any genre (fixed identity). The idea is to always diversify. To inspire the self and peers!
Non-mainstream opinions. Non-standard procedures. New Tools. New Ears?
The table below depicts four aspects of a professional musician. Each role is interconnected to the other. The objective is to step beyond what has 'already been achieved'. While industry demands repetition of skills, the individual artist is capable of more. The element of innovation leads to new experiences and new sources of work. Four unique ways to grow!
Delia Derbyshire, deep space frequencies, dark analog synthesis and more!
Sharing is caring! These amazing archives are public access (open-source).
Capacity for greater autonomy. The first step is to objectively ask what do you wish to achieve? Second, your objectives require good decision making skills. Example - next year, do I take a course in Permaculture or go for a vacation? Do I buy a new instrument or learn a new skill? Should I meditate or join a marathon? What values and desires are directing our choices and decisions? Mental models (patterns of behavior) form barriers for new thoughts, ideas and options. Autonomy requisites introspection, planning and innovation. To achieve greater autonomy, one has to consider system changes over time. Lets learn from living examples!
Four factors which impact our mental capacity, in terms of learning, decisions and taking consequent action. Each facet is made of many different practices, depending on the type of work, study and action we are involved in. The factors can also be viewed as fundamental to the development of self. Consequently amplifying our mental capacity. Also leading us to think about systems change.
Systems change involves the “inner” and “outer” as a journey. Gradual shifts in mental models, relationships and taken-for-granted ways. The change impacts our aspirations, goals and corresponding actions. Because of this, we believe that the development of self is 'foundational'. This inner process leads to increased awareness, compassion, understanding and knowledge. Thus regardless of our social and professional background, we can regenerate and prosper!
Keywords - Numeric, Physical and Human
Values attached to wealth are numeric and can be exponential (+ or -). Physical value of things like property, infrastructure, vehicles, machines, personal belongings etc does not remain constant over time. Human (qualitative) values include friendship, love, well-being, diversity, spirituality, duty, beauty and justice. These three value systems do not sync with each other. Thus, a conflict occurs when we try to quantify (measure) wealth with happiness, income with well-being or material assets with quality (and security) of life. Systems in nature are not numeric or exponential. As a rule, material assets devalue over time. Because nothing in nature is limitless, the numeric and physical value systems which we live by, are clearly at odds with human values and the finite planet. Hence our personal level of autonomy equates to our capacity to invest, foster and enrich qualitative values, that we share commonly.
By working directly with scientists, environmentalists, artists, innovators and academics, we ensure that our content is veritable and of the highest quality. By working directly with you, we amplify curiosity, knowledge and transition.
End of Module#5 by SEED. Open-source learning.
Designed and compiled by Applied Sound & Ecology. 2022
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New Delhi, India.
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