​A 'new experience' that integrates ecology, music and autonomy.
Pragmatic, open-source learning and exploration. For Who? For everyone and especially young artists, innovators and creators from India. SEED is an integration of sustainable practices and benefits, for individuals and for communities. Intergenerational and Poly-cultural World Making!

We have integrated the above disciplines, creating an experience that is pertinent, unique and valuable for the emerging future.
Why Ecology, Music and Autonomy?
These three disciplines are interconnected. Each discipline impacts our ability to lead better and richer lives. Also as diverse practices and careers. Weaving together as a living system, which is sustainable, rewarding and commonly shared.

20 MODULES (200 hours) FREE peer reviewed knowledge, expertise and open source intelligence.
â–¸ Building blocks of ecology and an 'Eco-centric' existence.
â–¸ Conceptual, playful and aesthetic practices based on music and sound.
â–¸ Creating Higher Autonomy. Better decision making skills for us all.
Objective? expanding our 'capacity' to imagine, navigate and govern better.
Modular in nature, which lets you determine what is important for you!
On Ground (Residency)
Spend 3 days at an amazing location (30 hours of interactive sessions, hands on learning and expert presentations).
About Transition - towards resilient and sustainable lifestyles​.​​ ​Ecological justice and investment. Build and collaborate on systems which facilitate autonomy and equity. ​​​ Together, we explore music, in ways which are psychological, emotional and technological. Participatory methods that enable and empower individuals and groups. Intergenerational and interdisciplinary!
P2P networking. Individual guidance and strategy building for participants.

Young people in India, across disciplines and professions are the stakeholders of the incoming future. Hence, the progressives ones adapt and transition, towards sustainable lifestyles, careers, culture and new ways of thinking. Invest in systems and institutions, moving towards a world 'prepared' for the challenges ahead.
Ecology - Children, teenagers and youth are Increasingly aware of the grave risks posed by global warming, climate change and industrial civilization. Yet, they are also the first to face the challenges and opportunities of the near future. Ecology is a form of universal justice.
Music - That embodies relationships, experiences, communities. Music is the host for commonly shared cultures. As a practice and experience, music contains tremendous social, psychological, emotional and technological value. Step beyond the mainstream, delve into new experiences!
Autonomy - Investing in our capacity to make informed, uncoerced decisions. As individuals and as members of a given society, we strive for greater independent and self-governing systems. Autonomy is about the infinite potentialities that 'nest in the spirit' of the individual and the population.

just published! MODULE#9

Planet Earth is not a corporation, as seen by those who only wish to exploit. Current planetary management systems, are not only unsustainable but also devoid of ecological sanity.

Transition of the individual and the extended community!
Why are we here? Mutual aid and interaction equates to community, leading to greater autonomy and diversity within the ecosystem you belong to. Think inter-generational and poly-cultural. We are interdependent as a species - at a planetary level as well as extended family. Divest from systems deliberately constructed for human beings to compete. Invest in relationships, generosity, exchange, mutual aid and care. SEED is one such gateway for you!

Pro Feedback
With our world in transition, we need new ideas, events and collective energy. SEED is a zone, where Indian artists and professionals can create unique pathways and opportunities - empowering the individual and the ecosystem. I'm on!"
NAVEEN DESHPANDE (Director / Founder - Mixtape and Ground Control)
I think SEED is an amazing initiative to empower artists and allow them to connect with nature and ecosystems. Nature is a source of inspiration and healing. Something that artists need in the world today. I’m looking forward to seeing this program grow!”
"SEED is forward motion, a direction for learning, regeneration and evolution. A way to reach continuously towards a better self. I believe that, artists, professionals and innovators also need progressive insight and knowledge."
“Nature has always been my source of inspiration. Hence, I love that SEED connects one of the most influential human creations - Music, to nature (Ecology). In our tribe, warriors4elements we orchestrate natural laws in business and lifestyle, leading to a path of transformation."
"Artists influence people’s thoughts and attitudes, which impacts society. SEED is a much-needed platform, given the big ecological predicament we face. Especially for India, SEED is setting a whole new agenda and pathways."
"Seed is doing vital work, precisely the sort of work we all need to do if we are to survive. My best wishes to this new effort."
I appreciate that SEED brings together perspectives on ecological overshoot, reproductive autonomy, and ecocentrism to help us move towards a more ecological civilization. A much smaller human footprint that is in balance with all life on Earth - human and nonhuman alike. SEED is one such place!
"In this era of ongoing ecological collapse, we must fall in love with nature and fight to defend our planet. Music, poetry, and other forms of art help us bypass the conditioning of modern culture. With a gateway like SEED we get in touch with our true selves."
Our planet is experiencing great trauma and crises in this age of globalization. Infinite growth and greed has caused immense harm to all living beings. For the younger generation, SEED is a place to unlearn, relearn and act better.
Hector Garcia (International strategic business and culture based alliances)

You are here, because you care about the planet. We are open to all the potentialities that 'nest in the spirit' of the individual. What about you? If you wish to collaborate or volunteer, just send us an email outlining what you have in mind. We will respond real soon 💚
A small donation helps SEED grow and serve the community even better.
© SEED by Applied Sound And Ecology.
New Delhi, India.
This website is low-tech : low energy using optimized code and images. Website design and branding by BIRDHOUSE (Valencia)
SEED Data Protection and Privacy Policy
SEED grants permission to use, study and distribute the media to all members, as open-source education. 2024.