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Dear member, welcome to Module 9. 

Keywords - Oddkin, Odd Ones, Worlding, Tribe, Social Cohesion, Music & Dance, Religion, Food Security, Water Rights, Energy Autonomy.  Everything is interconnected here. Dive in and have fun!



Within Ecology, the role of narratives is very important. Stories that combine imagination, science, activism, kinship and art. For this we invent practices, to become "worldly" in a time of unprecedented environmental loss and destruction. In a time of scarcity and conflict, the need for storytelling, kinship and as Donna Haraway says "making Oddkin" is objectively useful and utterly prescient. But what is Oddkin? Simply put, reclaiming the kin (relationship) to mean not merely blood relatives but also those whose "company" we choose to be in.

Be it your pet dog or cat, be it the little fish or big turtles, birds or insects that live near you and your habitat. Be encouraged to include all the creatures and critters living in the deserts, swamps or the deep sea. "Odd” works!

What all is Oddkin? Conjectures of speculation, fabulation, fiction, new figures, fearless formation and the overall courage to be. For "Earthly Survival". Oddkin is inclusion, as the highest form of justice. A pathway to new Worlding, not restricted by past perspectives.

Never exclude the "odd ones" out.
“Oddkin” brings together all critters, all the odd ones, together into our circle of kinship.

Remaking our mental maps, allows us to cross invisible boundaries, placed by nuclear family, close friends and the overall complexities of life within any big city.
Oddkin includes not only people of other societies and backgrounds, but every living entity around us. Include what you may wish, be it the trees, rivers, ponds, flora and fauna, birds, quadrupeds, bugs etc etc.

Where do we start? As Donna Haraway said "I have a dog and the dog has me." A tiny team? Dual healing. Below is an artistic expression by Anjali Dev (member of SEED) that highlights her marine Oddkins, that she wishes to protect and conserve.




The contact zone of music and the corresponding tribe, can be understood as a site of organized faith. Not aimed at worship or some holy deity, but centered around common good and enrichment.
The formula is not a doctrine, nor is it based on mythology specific to an organized religion. The objective is to understand and utilize it, to create lasting social dynamics. The heartbeat of a shared body.

Begin by defining your tribe, or the circle you resonate with. The identifiers as to what kind of music? The experience or shared phenomena of music develops into a practice, and hence we equate it to a religion. Is why they say "music is a big prayer".
Yet this definition of religion is not about 'group thinking' nor is the tribe a symbol of something 'primitive'. To understand better, just observe a Hip-Hop crew in action. Ancient beats and drumming that brought different tribes into group cohesion, still provide vital clues that modern musicians need today. Why? To create kinship and meaning at a social, personal and existential level. Beats, interpolation of steps, shared spaces, circles of validation, affirmations, dance or call it participation in the moment, of what is life.  Music and the sound be the 'spirit' of participating.




Opensource learning experience by SEED.

Modules created by Applied Sound & Ecology. 2025


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New Delhi, India.

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